Hi, I'm Priom Deb, a Python Programmer passionate about Machine Learning.

Machine Learning enthusiast with expertise in Python, Deep Learning, NLP, Web-Dev. My impactful research includes improving emergency response via speech emotion recognition and detecting online sexism. Published works in audio analysis and emotion detection demonstrate my problem-solving abilities. As a Section Leader at Stanford Code In Place, I enhanced participants' programming skills through effective mentoring. I am continuously engaged in innovative projects.


**Image copyrights belong to Stanford Code in Place

Section Leader, Code in Place 

04/2023 - 06/2023, 04/2024 - Present

Stanford | Center for Professional Development

Check Credentials of Section Leader here

Skills and Tech Stacks

Python | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Django  | LangChain

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | MERN 

Unity 3D  | Unreal Engine 5 | FL Studio

Flutter | Dart | Firebase

Teaching | Collaboration | Communication


Tkinter | PyQT5

Software Development Projects


This is something like stackoverflow. In this web app user can create room, start new topic and message within the rooms. Users can share their skills, bugs or any solution. It is basically a web app for sharing anything with others.

Project Source Code: 

Live App: 

Food Recipe Web App

A MERN Stack webapp for food recipes and meal plans. This website is developed with MVC design patterns.

Project Source Code: 


PYOPENGL GAME Survive from Enemy Drones

The whole game is developed using only OpenGL (PyOpenGL). No built in line drawing or circle drawing method is used. The every pixel of this game is drawn using computer graphics algorithms. Midpoint Line Drawing and Midpoint Circle Drawing algorithm is used to draw the graphics of this game. No built in transformation method is used. Every transformation is done manually.

Project Source Code: 

Firebase Authentication in Python Using Tkinter

This module will help you to add authentication system in your desktop based Python apps in a couple of seconds. Just add this repository in the root folder of your project and write couple of lines to use Firebase authentication system in your python apps.

Project Source Code: 

Live App: 

Matrimony Website

A matrimony website developed using PHP and MySQL.

Project Source Code: 

Keep Me Safe

A small game quickly developed using Unity 3D for a game jam.

Project Source Code: 


2022-04-26 11-47-23.mp4


Third Person Shooter Game

A small story based First Person Shooter (FPS) game. There will be a small story divided into 10 levels. Players have to complete all the 10 levels to complete the story of the game. This game is for desktop platforms. No Android supports/plans right now. After releasing a successful version for desktop platforms, I may optimized it for Android devices.

Project Source Code: Private | Prototyping

Publications and Research Projects